Monday, 29 August 2011

The Monday Mood Lift!

Bank holiday Monday's don't necessarily need a lift as they are always a gift, but when I saw the news this morning I couldn't help but smile! We were all obsessed with Destiny's Child when I was at school and then my nights out were always littered with Beyonce booty shakes! At the same time I remember having Big Pimpin as my ringtone, and being crazy about The Black Album. When Jay Z and Beyonce got together they became the tour de force of the music world so the news that they are expecting a baby is just the icing on the cake! The usually private couple announced their news in the most spectacular of fashions, let the dynasty begin...

Getty Images

Monday, 22 August 2011

Monday Mood Lift!

This week has started off badly! My Iphone has decided to take on Tom Daley and dived into the toilet and now refuses to work. I'm having to use an ancient phone that leaves me texting as quick as my Nan! So to cheer myself up I've uploaded a still from one of the greatest films of all time... 

Image courtesy of DVDBeaver .com

Monday, 15 August 2011

Monday Mood Lift!

It's that time of the week, so it can only mean one thing, The Monday Mood Lift! This week I have taken inspiration from our great capital, London which was affected by the riots last week and my Beloved, who created this awesome poster I'm shamelessly plugging. The riots have exposed the social issues Britain faces to the world stage but lets hope it doesn't put people off visiting London as it truly is an amazing city.

Courtesy of STW availble from and

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Monday, 8 August 2011

Monday Mood Lift!

It's Monday and we all need something to ease us into the week. So every Monday I will be uploading a little source of inspiration or triviality to rid us all of the Monday blues. So to kick off the first week I took inspiration from our Westie Puppy Dante who is only just (fingers crossed) toilet trained. This clip demonstrates I still have a long way to go...