Thursday, 31 March 2011

Let The Countdown Begin!

The Happy Couple!

It is now less than a month until the Royal wedding and there is an air of excitement in England at the moment! Although some people feel that taxpayers money could be better spent during a time of economic austerity, I can't help but feel it provides us all with something lovely to focus on. For those who aren't Royalist or bothered by the Royal Wedding just be grateful for the four day weekend!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Today, We've Mostly Been Eating...

The Enticing Bag 

The Beautiful Box

Hmmm, Where Did They All Go?
Today, I was lucky enough to receive a big box of my favourite Laduree Macaroons! I even shared them with my Beloved. (A sign of true love) I was really impatient and didn't even wait to get tea, instead I gorged myself on them and now feel rather sick! Luckily they are a rare treat so I don't feel in the least bit guilty!